Vision Screening

Designed for children aged 5 months and up

Screening Vision at a Preschool

Most of what an infant learns is visual. If children do not see the world like the majority, it is important to identify that so that their learning can be adjusted to fit their need.

A Plusoptix vision screener empowers Pediatricians, Head Start offices, Lions Clubs, Kid Sight Programs, and School nurses to detect the most prevalent vision disorders in children starting age 5 months and up. The earlier a vision disorder or media opacity is detected the better it can be treated, and Amblyopia, i.e. a lazy eye, can be prevented.

diagram of the Transillumination Eye Test

Plusoptix Vision Screeners use the measuring principle of a transillumination test. Unlike other transillumination tests (e.g. Red Reflex test), Plusoptix vision screeners avoid glare of the patient, by using infrared light. The pupils remain large even without dilation. Further, the Plusoptix transillumination test and pupil evaluation feature helps make concussion assessments even easier.